Thursday, February 11, 2016

Science: Learning about the Human Body

The girls have been studying the systems of the human body, and we have talked about each and the ways that it integrates with the others. It has been an exciting and challenging time since there are many new terms and concepts to grasp.  As we learned about the skeletal system, the girls had the opportunity to look at and determine the various parts of a beef bone.

Likewise, after learning about the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage, it was interesting to dissect a chicken leg to see those parts and how they operate.

Once they had seen some actual body parts (even though they were from animals) the girls were ready to put their engineering skills into practice. They were challenged to design a working model of a human arm. They collected some ideas from various Internet sites then each team designed an arm, built a prototype, and altered the design as needed to produce their working model.

Here are some examples of the products our engineers built!