Monday, September 28, 2015


History was full of excitement today!  The girls practiced locating exact points on a map using coordinates of latitude and longitude by playing against each other in intense games of Battleship!  You could hear the desperate cries from across the room as the girls submarines, carriers, and destroyers were "sunk."

In math, the girls have been working on multi-digit multiplication and division.  As you can see, they are super excited about completing practice worksheets in class! 

Coming soon...vocabulary poster presentations in language arts.  
Be on the lookout for a Wednesday update! 

Busy in Tech

Fifth grade has been busy in tech this month! The girls have been learning the basics of using a laptop. During the first week of school, the girls learned about acceptable use (how to hold and travel with the laptop, rules of use, etc.).  Next, the girls learned about Google Drive and how to create and add to folders.   This year, students will be able to save work to Google Drive.  Information on accessing your daughter's Drive will be coming home in the future so that you can view the work from home!  In addition to Google Drive, the girls have also learned how to use Edmodo, a learning management system, to communicate with teachers and fellow students.  In fifth grade, the girls are introduced to email as well.  We have started exploring the Creation Station centers which include making with duct tape and blackout poetry!  Some of the girls have also started their first Creation Station project - building a catapult!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Longitude, Latitude, and a Positive Attitude

In math class we have started to work on multi-digit multiplication problems.  The girls worked in groups to complete a crossword puzzle by solving various "down" and "across" equations.

In history, we continued our discussion about longitude and latitude.   The girls used Google Earth to find the exact longitude and latitude of their favorite places.  The girls started to create a "Special Place Strip" using the information that they found.  

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Reader's Response Journals, Sidewalk Chalk, and Maps...Oh My!

Language Arts: Reader's Response Journals

Today the girls created a Reader's Response Journal folder in Google Drive and started working on their first entry.  The prompt related to our current class novel, Our Only May Amelia.  The girls made text to self connections between their own lives in 2015 and May Amelia's life in 1899.

Other academic things that fifth graders are up to:
History: maps and landforms of the United States.
Math: rounding numbers to specific place values! 

Another highlight from today: SIDEWALK CHALK AT RECESS!


Music:  Les Chanteuses!

All 4th and 5th grade girls sing in the choir, Les Chanteuses.  Here is a photo of all 66 of us in our first rehearsal!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

6 Word Memoirs

For the past few days of Language Arts we have been focusing on memoirs.  First, we talked about the fact that a memoir is a memory or a collection of memories that tells someone’s life story or an important moment in the author's life.  A 6 word memoir is an extremely short and simplified memoir that can tell a person’s life, a memory, a defining moment, or a motto the author lives by.  Then, the girls had to read several different 6 word memoirs and infer something about each author. Next, the girls had to create their own!  They have been hard at work brainstorming, drafting, revising, editing and publishing their 6 Word Memoirs.  The girls can't wait for you to read them!



Art: Identity

All the girls started the year with a material exploration and then connected their work and their ideas while working to their grade level theme.  Fifth grade's theme is IDENTITY. You can see the long list of connections they made and why it is such a relevant theme for this grade level! Our future units will explore a range of materials, genres, artists, and concepts related to their theme.  The overarching reflection question for the year is: How do we represent ourselves and present ourselves to others?

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

First Day of School: Flopping into Fifth Grade!

First Day of School: Flopping into Fifth Grade!

 The day started with finding lockers and Convocation.  It ended with smiles, flip flop decorating, and laughter echoing through the fifth grade building.  The middle of the day was spent making memories, doing activities in math class, walking up and down the hill to various specials, eating lunch (without assigned seating!), having recess up the hill, and soaking up the last first day of Lower School. 

The Bryn Mawr School