Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Graphing and Vocabulary

In Math, the girls have been reviewing mean, median, mode, and range.  They are also becoming experts at choosing the appropriate type of graph to use based upon the type of numerical data provided to them.  Ask your girls what type of graph should be used to display data that shows a change over time...I bet they have an answer for you!  If you want to stretch their brains even more, present the problem of having multiple sets of data and variables for one graph...I'm certain they will meet the challenge!

It was vocabulary day today in Language Arts.  The girls quizzed each other on their respective vocabulary lists within their reading groups.  Some groups used charades to give clues, others took a more artistic approach, and I also saw a heavy duty binder wall constructed between quizzer and quizee.  This vocabulary stuff is serious business!  After the quiz session, the girls had to create and type sentences that proved their understanding of each word's definition.