Friday, October 23, 2015

Overdue Blog Post: A 5th Grade Teacher's Quest to Find the Camera Cord

Many apologies for the lack of posts lately,  my desk ate my camera cord.  I have been searching days and days for the 6 inches of wire that allows me to connect you to our classroom.  At last, I finally found the cord at the bottom of my teacher tote bag (a bottomless abyss of graded papers, highlighters, paper clips, and post its).  I am sorry for the dated nature of this post, but as my mother used to say when I would come home to do my laundry in college: better late than never.

After a language arts lesson on using details from the text to make predictions, the girls created crystal balls depicting their predictions for the remaining chapters of Our Only May Amelia.

In math, the girls concluded the long division unit by solving division problems with two digit divisors and multi-digit dividends.

History class has taken the girls back in time to the migration of Native American tribes to North and South America.  The girls discovered the migration routes that the Native Americans navigated and are currently learning about the various regions where they settled.

Last but not least, the birthday surprise.  I had to hold back the tears today! The girls planned an extremely well thought out and organized surprise to help celebrate my birthday.  After their spelling test, I gave them 5 minutes to "set up" and then walked into what could only be described as my "world of favorite things." We had a nice 5 minute brain break before values class and then got back down to serious business!  I cannot put into blog words what this class means to me and how honored I am to be their teacher!