Monday, September 23, 2013

French: Passports and Suitcases

We are so excited for our trip.  Now that we have made our tickets, it is time to start working on our passports.  We will be making our passports later this week.  Your daughter will need to bring in a small photo to use when she makes her passport. 

It is also time to start packing.  The girls will make their suitcases at home.  I sent a paper home today with directions for the suitcases.  The girls should bring in their suitcases as soon as they are done. 

I told a joke in class the other day and the girls asked me to share it here.  They have been learning numbers so I shared the story of three cats named Un, Deux, and Trois.  One day the cats decided to go fishing on a frozen lake.  As they were fishing the sun came up and it got warmer.  The ice broke.  Poor cats.  Do you know what happened to Un, Deux, and Trois?  Un, Deux, Trois cats sank. (Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq)